• Pret: 1,488 EUR (TVA inclus)   Credit PrePay: 1,25 EUR
A CLASSIC OLD-SCHOOL GAME R-Type II is a horizontal scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published by Irem in 1989. This classic old-school game is the sequel to R-Type and the story takes place two years after. The player controls a ship called the R-9C which is an improved version of its predecessor, the R-9. The Bydo Empire is back! Take it down with power-ups, two new types of weapons, the Search Laser and Shotgun Laser, and a new anti-ground unit bomb. WITH ORIGINAL FEATURES - Unlock six levels each with its own unique boss. - Upgrade to new weapons, power-ups, and attachments to fight wave of enemies. - Keep original graphics or choose improved ones thanks to filter and scanline options … AND NEW FEATURES TOO! - Choose between three difficulty settings: unlimited (unlimited lives), normal (same as original) and insane (more challenge!). - Two control modes: Touch and virtual D-Pad - Customizable controls - Auto Fire ON/OFF - Available in 10 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Portuguese. - Play in full-screen, or keep the game’s original screen ratio - Google Play Game Services: 11 unlockable achievements + online leaderboards (normal and insane modes only) - Compatible with the MoGa Wireless Game Controllers, NVIDIA SHIELD, Xperia Play and more. - Available on M.O.J.O. - Tablet support Are you looking for challenge? R-Type II is the perfect game!

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Pentru a descarca un joc din portalul Orange pe mobil este necesar sa ai un telefon compatibil wap si serviciul si setarile wap activate. Pentru aceasta, apeleaza *100# (serviciul Self Care) si urmeaza instructiunile. Vei primi un mesaj scris cu setarile wap pe care trebuie sa le salvezi si sa le activezi din meniul corespunzator serviciilor de date al telefonului tau.
In functie de modelul telefonului, este posibil ca mesajul cu linkul wap sa nu fie afisat automat pe ecran. In acest caz, trebuie sa accesezi browserul wap din meniul telefonului pentru a vedea mesajul primit.

Portalul Orange pe mobil

De asemenea, poti comanda orice joc si direct de pe telefonul tau mobil. Intra in portalul Orange pe mobil la Jocuri, alege jocul preferat, confirma cumpararea si apoi descarca-l pe telefon.