Pango Zoo
- Pret: 2,963 EUR (TVA inclus) Credit PrePay: 2,49 EUR
Pango Zoo opens its doors!
Come experience the exciting adventures of three restless penguins, a tough tiger, a sad and sick zebra, or a dusty elephant full of surprises.
In a happily scripted and animated application, Pango and his friends will help the animals of the Zoo to solve their problems.
Cure bad colds, feed empty bellies, shower, rescue, clean ... and share beautiful moments of complicity with humor and tenderness.
Through simple and intuitive situations, the child discovers and advances the game at his own pace.
A nice way for Pango to encourage curiosity and independence of children three years and over.
With Pango, your child has to TICKLE the image in order to advance the story!
5 adventures to discover for your enjoyment
No stress, No time limit, No competition
A simple application which is functional
In the soft and colorful Pango universe
Fully animated with sound and pictures
Ideal for 3 + years
No integrated purchase and no invasive advertising
măreşte imaginea
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