how to buy calling tunes

You can buy calling tunes on Orange World, by calling 1343 on your Orange phone or by sending a text message to 8342.

in Orange World

Select Calling tunes, browse through calling tunes proposed categories or search the item you want after name, artist or code, confirm the purchase and set it all up right there, to one or all your callers.

by calling 1343 (tariff 0.037 EUR/minute)

You can either browse categories, or enter a quick code (which you can find in Orange World or under the calling tune title in our online catalogue or on printed materials related to the service) to go straight to a specific tune.You'll be played the calling tune and asked if you want to buy it. The calling tunes purchased by calling 1343 will be set automatically to be heard by all the people calling you (except for the callers to whom you made individual settings), replacing the previous set tunes. Once you're done, the new setting will start working in a few minutes. You'll also get a text message confirming your purchase.

text message to 8342

Send a text message containing the calling tune code to 8342. The message will be charged with the price of the calling tune. The calling tune bought by text message will be heard by all your callers, irrespective of your previous settings

on web

Pick up the calling tune you like from our online catalogue and just follow the instructions

calling tunes costs

The standard price of a calling tune with fragments of music is 1.228 EUR, while the price of a funny tune is 0.856 EUR. There might be promotional offers.You'll always be informed on the calling tune price before you purchase it.

The calling tunes available in the Orange catalogue are fragments of tracks whose copyright is owned by Orange partners, Romanian or international music labels. The partners can opt to have certain tracks deleted from the Orange catalogue and therefore from your Personal Album, if you bought one of those tunes. The calling tune will no longer be heard by callers for whom you set it up. When you buy a calling tune less than 6 months before it is deleted from the Orange catalogue, you'll receive your money back.

If you use Orange World to buy or browse for a calling tune normal data rates apply, while if you call 1343 you will be charged with 0,037 EUR/minute. The text messages sent to 8342 will be charged with the price of the purchased calling tune. The costs of the calling tunes will be added to your monthly bill if you are an Orange subscriber or, for PrePay users, deducted from your phone credit.

Acum poti copia tonurile de asteptare ale prietenilor, pe care le auzi atunci cand ii suni. Apasa tasta steluta daca iti place tonul auzit si vrei sa il ai si tu. Dupa ce ai incheiat apelul cu prietenul tau, vei primi un SMS de confirmare de la 8342 ce contine si codul tonului de asteptare ales. Trimite codul tonului la 8342 pentru a confirma copierea