Tribia - Primal Time
- Pret: 2,963 EUR (TVA inclus) Credit PrePay: 2,49 EUR
Huge mammoths and dinosaurs are running on the Earth, the forest is teeming with saber-toothed tigers and ferocious wolves, people live in caves and are at continuous fights over territory and believe only the totems of the Great Gods. The unknown outside world lures and frightens at the same time ...
You are the leader of a small tribe in the dream the spirits tell you the path to victory.
Now his fate is only in your hands! String up - challenging assignments, treacherous enemies
and insurmountable obstacles are waiting for you ahead! Construct buildings, hunt to feed the army, attack and defend, use all possible resources so that the tribe came off victorious in this prehistoric world.
You have to train soldiers, breed leaders, hunt huge beasts and make sacrifices in prehistoric temples - all for the sake of your tribe! Do not forget that your countrymen are people too - they may be tired, hungry, frightened, but they can also play the fool, dance and have fun. Your task is to organize them into one team and assign responsibilities correctly.
măreşte imaginea
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